Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tragedy in The Family.

Today has been a really depressing day. We have seem to lost our only pet. Bob Henry Grossman. The Goldfish. Bob was a special fish, we only chose him from the rest of the fish because of his personal style. He didn't have a top fin like the other fish, he was bald:). After awhile he lost his color too ( since our light in the tank ran out and we were too lazy to get it fixed HA! ) But I still thought he was quite an attractive fish. He survived for 3 years!! Unlike all those other dumb fish we had. The all died off within a week. They probably died from Bob's good looks. :D I was really hoping he would at least last until May. I'm taking this weird Animal Science class and it requires you to have a pet. BUT.. he is gone now :,(. We had to put some towels over his tank because he kept on sinking to the bottum then floating up back to the top. It was really disturbing. We are going to bury him in our backyard and have a formal funeral service. Anyone is welcome to come.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Zan- I think you wrote it in chinese! Poor mister bob! How was the funeral?